
Posts Tagged ‘skydiving’

You’ve seen those emails, right? The ones that ask you to answer a bunch of question and send it to umpteen people plus the person who sent it to you? Well, this is one of them. And you’re one of my umpteen. Enjoy!
– Hugs, Donna

1. I jumped out of an airplane and want to do it again. (I hung onto the side of the single-engine Cessna for two minutes while the tandem guy got readjusted. It’s hard to let go of the plane after two minutes of thinking about it.)

2. I have three ex-husbands and four tattoos. One was hubby #3’s name in a heart that has now been covered. Never, ever get names!

rick springfield0603. I had gastric bypass surgery several years ago, but when it got to the point I actually had to work to lose weight I stopped. I’ve gained 80 of it back, but I’m dieting again.

4. I didn’t think I could have children, so I was almost six months along when I learned I was pregnant with Jessica.

5. I try to get discounts for pedicures at nail salons. An unfortunate accident involving my lack of balance and a riding lawnmower when I was 6 left me with seven digits. I don’t get it – they all say they charge by the foot, not the toe. 🙂

6. I have ridden an elephant into the center ring at the circus and then blew the whistle and shouted “On with the show!” (I left in a hurry though because of #18.)

7. When I was the receptionist at K99-FM in 1992 I told Tim McGraw that no one would remember him within two years. He deserved it though – he was teasing me about my crush on Garth Brooks. Guess he showed me, huh?

8. I touched every shoe in the Payless that used to be at Market and 90…
several times… but only because I had to straighten the racks every night
before closing. People are so messy.

9. My favorite snack is creamy peanut butter on sliced American cheese.

10. I’ve seen Lake Placid about 15 times. It makes me guffaw and snort Coke
Zero out my nose when Betty White cusses, every time.

11. I’ve been a reporter at newspapers in Hattiesburg, Lucedale, Pascagoula, Gulfport and Beaumont, Texas. But I never finished college.

12. I went to USM with Brett Favre but we didn’t run with the same crowd. Go figure.

13. I spent the last two years of my life taking care of my father. I don’t regret any of it.

14. Rick Springfield pressed his gorgeous sweaty hard body against me as he made his way through the crowd at Hard Rock Biloxi back in October. All I could do was touch his shoulder and whimper like a little girl.

15. Two-hundred and forty-four. That’s the number of Rick Springfield
posters that adorned my walls when I was 14.

16. My cell bill says I talked for 4,984 minutes in the last billing cycle. That’s 84 hours of the month gone. No wonder my left ear is always buzzing. I keep waiting for them to admit cell phones cause brain tumors. I’m doomed.

17. I won’t eat lettuce. I won’t eat anything that has lettuce juice on it.
Lettuce is yucky.

18. I suffer from coulrophobia. Ironically, it’s not a laughing matter. I
get serious heebie-jeebies from it.

19. I love karaoke because I can’t remember the words. I can’t even sing Happy Birthday without looking at the lyrics.

20. God blessed me with some of the best friends in the world.

21. I can still do a full split. But at 42, I don’t come back up so easy.

22. I hate hairspray. I get a little crazy if I can’t get my fingers through
my hair.

23. I tend to be a little OCD about some things. The doctor said if I can’t do something perfectly, I tend not to do it at all. So I’m not really lazy… I’m just nuts.

24. I want to write romantic novels – hot, steamy paperbacks with some hunk on the cover.

25. I could live without chocolate and ice cream, but not sushi.

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